Please do not hesitate calling us.
We would be more than happy to assist you whether you choose to visit us or not.
We want you to feel better first!
Call 206 784 3895 today!

Chiropractic Services
Adjustment Techniques
DTS Spinal Compression
Cold Laser Therapy

Dr. Brodie Klenk
Dr. Brodie Klenk specializes in traditional and alternative chiropractic therapy. His wide range of techniques include:
Diversified Technique
Drop Piece Technique
Activator Method
Cox© Technic
Extremity Adjusting
Posture Stabilization
Motion Palpation


Sheri K. Mar MS. CN.
Nutrition Counseling & Services
Certified Nutritionist
Personal Trainer
Sheri Mar received her graduate degree in Nutrition at Bastyr University, where she learned the powerful healing qualities of food. Her philosophy is to explore the whole person in terms of nutrition. Our lifestyle and emotions are very much related to what we eat and how we eat. Dietary changes need to be well-integrated into our daily life and relationships to food. These changes are important in determining the best individualized plan for improved well-being.
Sheri is also an ACE-certified Personal Trainer and Advanced Health & Fitness Specialist, having received national certification through the American Council on Exercise, she incorporates the strategies of fitness and nutrition to ensure the best overall results. Working with Sheri will start you on the path to better health. She is committed to improving your long-term health.
Now celebrating 12+ years of nutrition counseling and personal fitness training services in the Pacific Northwest.